Who collects this data set? If it's an organization, which department of the organization? Is there a specific person listed who you could contact?
The company Heet collected this data set on gas leaks in Massachusetts. There is an email info@heet.org that I could contact for more information.
Why do you think the organization collects this data? Does it specify how it uses the data?
What period does the data set cover?
They wrote that Heet finds about 1.5-3x the amount of gas leaked professionally documented with the government, which gives them a solid motivator to report this data. I think the purpose is simply to inform people and keep them safe, as they encourage the viewer to zoom in on their school, neighborhood, etc. The data is refreshed on December 31st of every year.
What are some questions you have about this data set? (Note: they can be basic like "why is this data being collected?" or very specific like "what does the field BUS_LIC_STATUS mean?")
I know gas leaks are dangerous, but I don't know why someone would be motivated to look all of them up. It seems like this was created to calm a very specific anxiety around fear of gas leaks, but if we had maps of all dangers around us and adhered just to safe routes, we would likely not be able to leave the house. My question is who is this for? Also, is there corporate use for this? How do the Heet creators get paid?
Who are three types of people you could interview about this data set to learn more?
- Massachusetts government official in public works
- creator of Heet
- someone with a fear of gas leaks / victim of gas leak's danger